Brexit Update

Update on Brexit from Blevins Franks

The breakthrough that the UK government made with the EU late on Thursday night/early Friday morning is significant and, while the Irish border issue was a key factor, we are particularly delighted to see that UK expatriates in the EU can now plan with some confidence and that ongoing entitlement to healthcare was specifically mentioned.

Please click here to read our latest Brexit update (as you may be aware, we regularly post Brexit updates on our website). As you will see it is very encouraging to see the commitment in the joint UK/EU statement to UK nationals resident in countries such as France, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Malta, where most of our clients live.

However, it emphasises all the more the importance of ensuring that those wishing to continue living in such countries (or who are planning such a move) do secure their residence status ahead of the UK withdrawal from the EU – and in doing so ensure their financial affairs are in optimal shape to limit any impact of local tax or the long reach of the UK HM Revenue & Customs.

We are ideally placed to help guide you in this regard, so if you feel it is time to review your affairs, or you have a friend you feel we can help, please do let us know.

Please do not hesitate to contact us
for further information

952 198 029

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