Legal Warning: The use of this Website is subject to the following terms and conditions, which we recommend you to read carefully. Accessing this Website and using its content implies that you have read and accepted these Conditions, without reservation.

In compliance with Article 10 of the Act 34/2002, of 11th July, regarding services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce in Spain (LSSICE), the identification data related to the Company can be found below.
The owner of www.merz-lawfirm is Merz Law Firm SL, whose domicile is located at Calle Marqués de Duero,67,1-C in 29670 San Pedro Alcantara/Marbella/Malaga (Spain), with CIF B – 92594209, and registered in the Mercantile Register of Málaga in the Volume 3725, Book 2636, Folio 194, Page MA-75042, Entry 1.
Director of the Company is Rechtsanwalt Gisela R. Merz.
The email contact is as follows:

The access and/or use of this Website owned by Merz Law Firm SL, attributes the condition of USER, who accepts, from such access and/or use, the General Conditions of Use listed in this page. The aforementioned Conditions shall be applied regardless of the General Conditions of Contracting that may be compulsory in any case.

3.1. The content of this Website has informational purposes only and should not be considered, in any case, as a substitute for legal advice of any kind.
Furthermore, the USER should not send to Merz Law Firm SL any type of confidential information without first consulting one of our lawyers and receiving their express and written permission to send this information.
The use of the online consulting service by sending a consult request does not imply the creation of a professional relationship between Merz Law Firm SL and the USER of this services, nor obliges Merz Law Firm SL to provide its professional service to the USER. The professional relationship shall only be formalized once Merz Law Firm SL has received an express and written acceptance of the client regarding a service and fees proposal, sent to the client with that aim, and in this case, the relationship shall be ruled by the terms and conditions contained in the referred service´s proposal.

3.2. In order to use the consulting service, it is required that the USER introduces his personal data, being responsible of the veracity and lawfulness of the information provided.

3.3. The access, navigation and use of this Website is under the responsibility of the USER, therefore he commits himself to fulfill diligently and faithfully any additional instruction provided by Merz Law Firm SL regarding the use of the Website and its contents. Furthermore, we urge you to inform Merz Law Firm SL about any fact of which he acknowledges and involves an unlawful conduct or violates the rights of any third party, through our e-mail or through our contacting form.

3.4. Therefore, the USER agrees to use the contents of this Website diligently, correctly and lawfully and, in particular, undertakes to refrain from:
Using the contents for purposes or effects contrary to Law, morality and generally accepted custom or public order;
Reproducing, copying, distributing, allowing public access through any modality of public communication, transforming or modifying the contents, unless the USER has the copyright holders authorization or it is legally permitted;
Using the contents and, in particular, information of any type obtained though the Website or its services in order to send advertising, communications with direct sales purposes or any other commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of people regardless its purpose, as well as to refrain from selling or divulge in any way this information.

4.1. Access to this Website is free and free of charge for USERS.

4.2. Access to this Website requires third-parties´ services and supplies, including the transport via telecommunication networks, which liability, quality, continuity and operation does not correspond to Merz Law Firm SL. Merz Law Firm SL shall not be liable for damages of any kind caused to the USER as a result of failure or disconnections of telecommunication Networks that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the online consulting service, while providing the service or before.

5.1. The online consulting service of this Website requires the collection of the personal data of the USERS of this service. Some of this data are considered essential for the proper provision of the service. If the referred compulsory information is not given, the provision of the service will not be possible.

5.2. Merz Law Firm SL will treat the data confidentially and exclusively with the purpose of facilitating the relationship and communication with its clients.

5.3. Regarding the personal information collected in the manner stated in the preceding paragraphs, Merz Law Firm SL complies with the guidelines established by the Organic Act 15/1999 of Protection of Personal Data and the Royal Decree 1720/2007 by which it is approved the “Reglamento” that develops the Organic Act and other legislation in force at any time, and watches over to ensure a correct use and handling of the personal data of the USER.

5.4. Merz Law Firm SL will retain the personal data that has been collected, and will adopt the necessary measures to avoid its loss, treaty or unauthorized access. Merz Law Firm SL will perform these duties in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Notwithstanding the above, technical security in a media like the Internet is not impregnable and leaks can happen due to misconduct of third parties. Thus, by pressing the “Send” button of the consulting form, the USER is acknowledges understanding and accepting these conditions of use and also expressly consents that his data may be used for sending communications and information via email or by any other media.

5.5. Regarding the referred personal data, the USER may exercise the rights recognized by the current Spanish legislation. Such rights may be exercised by the USER or, if applicable, by his representative, by sending a letter to the following direction: Merz Law Firm SL, Calle Marqués de Duero,67,1-C in 29670 San Pedro Alcantara/Marbella/Malaga (Spain).

6.1. The use of this Website is carried on, in any case, by the USER at his own behalf and risk.

6.2. Merz Law Firm SL does not guarantee the legality, reliability, usability or accuracy of the services or information distributed through this Website.

6.3. Merz Law Firm SL is not liable, in any case, of the damages of any nature that may occur caused by the use of this Website, during the providing of the online consulting service.
Consequently, Merz Law Firm SL does not respond, by a way of illustration, of:
The continuity of the Website contents;
The absence of mistakes in these contents, nor the correction of any defect that may occur;
The absence of virus and/or other malicious or harmful programs in the Website or in the server that supplies it, which could damage or alter the USERS computer system, electronic documents or files, of this online consulting service;
The invulnerability of the Website and/or impregnability of the security measures taken in it;
The lack of utility or efficiency of the contents of the Website;
The damages caused, to himself or to a third party, any person who breaches the conditions, rules and instructions that Merz Law Firm SL sets in the Website or through the violation of the security systems of the Website.
Nevertheless, Merz Law Firm SL declares that it has taken all the necessary measures, within its capabilities and the current state of technology, to ensure the functioning of the Website and avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to the USERS.

Merz Law Firm SL reserves the right to make any modifications deemed to be appropriate in this Website without notification. Therefore, contents and services provided through it may be changed, deleted or added, as the way they are presented or located in this Website.

In the event that had links or hyperlinks to other Websites, Merz Law Firm SL will not exercise any kind of control over such sites and contents.
In any case Merz Law Firm SL will assume any liability for the contents of any link belonging to another Website, nor guarantee the technical, quality, reliability, accuracy, validity, comprehensiveness or constitutionality of any material or information contained in the referred hyperlinks or any other Website.
Likewise, the inclusion of this external links will not imply any kind of association, merger or partnership between the connected entities.

Merz Law Firm SL reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the Website and/or services offered without notice, on its own initiative or at that of a third party, to those USERS who breach the present General Conditions of Use.

10.1. Merz Law Firm SL will chase after any breach of the present conditions, as any misuse of its Website using all civil and criminal actions that may correspond by Law.

10.2. The headings of the clauses are merely informative, and will not affect, qualify or extend the interpretation of the General Conditions.

10.3. In the event that any disposition or dispositions of this General Conditions was/were considered to be null or inapplicable, totally or partially, by any Judge, Court or competent administrative organ, this nullity or inapplicability will not affect the rest of the dispositions.

10.4. Failure to exercise or execute by Merz Law Firm SL any right or disposition contained in these General Conditions will not constitute a renunciation of them, unless it has been expressly stated in writing.

11.1. Merz Law Firm SL is able to modify, totally or partially, this Conditions at any time, as long as they are duly published.

11.2. The validity of the referred Conditions shall be according to their exposure and will be valid until they are modified by others that are duly published.

The relationship between Merz Law Firm SL and the USER will submit to the current Spanish legislation and any controversy will be submitted to the Judges and Courts of Marbella.